
Hi, my name is Adiwinata Liem!

In 2015 I decided to close down my 17-year-old business. That was probably one of the lowest point in my life, but also turns out to be my turning point. Before closing my business, from 2010, I was already involve in the financial industry, specifically insurance. In that year of 2015, I decided to focus on that industry.

In that same year, I was starting to be interested in the world of training and coaching and I became the Licensed Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) approved by Richard Bandler. Later on in 2019 I becamu the Licensed Master Prac of NLP.

Previously, in 2013, I got to be a Registered Financial Planner (RFP®) to dive deeper into the financial planning world. In 2020, I dove even deeper and got my Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) license.

Because of my failure in 2015, I decided to help many people not to go through the same failure, especially in their financial. With my background in the financal planning and coaching, I thought about joining these two world and finally in 2020 became a Certified Money Coach (CMC®) by Deborah Price (Money Coaching Institute, USA). All of these leads to me founding Vidira Coaching in 2021.

Our vision is to help many people to align their financial plan with their money behavior in order to achiever their and their family's financial dreams.

Our missions are to help people designing a financial plan that is comprehensive and relevant to their time and need, exploring their money and income potentials, and discover their Money Type in order to align their money behavior to become THE MONEY MAGICIAN.


You have the right to achieve your dreams.


Assisting in exploring your potentials


Designing a comprehensive and relevant financial plan.


Aligning your money behavior to your balance sheet.